My Approach

Trauma negatively impacts the soul, damaging a persons' sense of Safety, Significance, Innocence and Purpose. Therefore, my approach to Trauma Recovery Coaching is holistic, incorporating three cruicial pillars of good health.

Three Pillars of Healing

Christian Coaching

Release Stress In Your Body

Trauma is not what has happened to you, trauma is what has happened inside you. The problem lies in the way our minds and bodies are wired to survive at all costs. Unfortunately, the neurological system is both the problem and the answer. My unique combination of Trauma Unlocking Coaching skills helps you uncover the right insights for you, to release trauma held in the body in a gentle (non-retraumatising) way.

Christian Coaching

Empower Your Spirit

“The body, mind and soul must live in unity with the natural moral laws inherent within your soul, or your spirit begins to perish.” David Riddell, Living Wisdom.

When you gain understanding about the true spiritual nature of abuse & trauma, the confusion will start to lift and the path to healing becomes clearer. Learn how you can connect with the inner Spirit, who has the power to help you overcome your natural physiological response to trauma.

Christian Coaching

Rewire Your Mind

Rhonda facilitates healthy self-introspection in a safe, non-judgemental environment, holding space for the necessary brain-body connection to bring the right insights into your conscious awareness. When this occurs, your brain can form new neural pathways, leaving stinking thinking behind. Learn new tools to support you as you practice new habits and new life skills to move you towards your goals.

As an ICF and PreKure Accredited Coach, I do not work to an agenda. You determine your goals. We track your progress to help you stay motivated and enthusiastic about the process. All Coaching sessions operate at the pace your body and emotions dictate. My only goal is to help you graduate from being driven by your overwhelming emotions (and the Coaching partnership), while actively seeking to not re-traumatise you along the way.