Trauma Informed Christian Coaching

God is not a magician waving a magic wand to heal all our problems. And yet, I fully attribute my personal recovery from narcissistic abuse to the wonderful healing power of Jesus Christ. My recovery was so staggering, I wanted to be able to explain, in scientific terms, how the healing power of God works. So I trained with internationally acclaimed Christian Counsellor David Riddell, completing his Living Wisdom Life Skills & Pastoral Therapy certification. His teachings were affirmed by my training as a Certified Narcissistic Abuse Specialist and yet, because of my own lived experience, I knew that Pastoral Therapy and Positive Psychology often fail to address the physical symptoms of trauma which also need to be released. So I set about studying the neuroscience behind the brain-body interaction during trauma.

It appears "science in the fields of neurobiology and psychology is finally catching up with what the Christian faith has been telling us all along" (Dr Caroline Leaf, Cognitive Neuroscientist and Christian).

The body is wonderfully made to self heal and will do so, if the occupant is willing to engage in honest self-introspection and allow the moral code (inherient within every human being) to reprogramme their brain. Brainspotting has proven to be the most effective technique to facilitate this introspection, allowing the client to make the necessary brain-body-trauma connection which traditional talk therapies and Pastoral Therapy (used in isolation) sometimes fail to make.

Having trained in the latest Somatic Trauma Unlocking techniques, my goal is to help you graduate from being driven by your overwhelming emotions (and the Coaching partnership), without re-traumatising you along the way.